Channeled Chimes

When you smile, the world smiles

Francie's latest blog posts


Long Beach, Tuesday Morning, February 18 Tenderness. Tenderness lives in our hearts and souls, BUT during times of trauma it gets tossed about and often hides out of sight. Our bodies throb with over active adrenaline and our cells forget to calm

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Long Beach

Monday Afternoon—February 17— Long Beach Long Beach? Yes. A week ago today was my last day in my Mount Washington retreat apres the fire. My friend, my knightess with shining locks and brightness all ‘round…and her generous adventurous husband had bought a

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Nail Painting

Tuesday, February 11, Mount Washington My sparkling pink and turquoise fingernails are the gift of Goddess Indra. otheriwise known to me as Raindrop Rosebud.  This girl.  Ater snuggling up into me and reading ‘ Knight Owl’ complete with owl and dragon sound

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Lisa’s Elephants

Tuesday, February 11, Mount Washington As the world throbs with upset during this time, human beings’ innate natural spirit of caring, connection, generosity and standing together has been front and center in my lap and in my mailbox, in the most creative,

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Long Beach

Tuesday, February 11, Mount Washington Five weeks ago this morning I woke up in my Malibu bed, greeting the birds, the trees and the day and having no idea this would be the last in the intimate precious world of my sacred

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Friday Evening, January 31—Mount Washington Having heard yesterday that one could now acquire a certificate from Malibu City Hall that would allow one to go up and down Pacific Coast Highway freely, forever, without being questioned or escorted, I headed out this

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About Moi

When you Smile, the world smiles


Channeled Chimes was born from a glow that ripples, tickles and soars through my being, at the majesty of simply inhabiting the earth in this body at this time with all of its creatures and creations and you. Thank you for joining me! Shall we dance?

I am a writer, including screenplays, a poet, a tapestry artist , a teller of stories, a singer of songs, who lives in a cottage by the sea. I have been a teacher,

an actress, a children’s theater director, a counselor for women with breast cancer, a grief counselor, a massage therapist, a filmmaker and a rollerblade champion.

I grew up in South India and Sri Lanka, and have lived in such colorful places as New Orleans, Charleston, Boulder, Manhattan’s Upper West Side, Minneapolis, New England and Malibu.

I have two grown daughters that I raised alone, I have four grandchildren, at different times I have had three golden retrievers and I look forward to having another!

In the birthday greeting words of an old friend:

“You are a wonder, you are light, you are a free spirit, a meditative soul, and a magical mamgee. When I think of you, I see you flying high, the whole world far below.
You skate with abandon, you have the heart of a child, and you see the world through the eyes of a poet. You are a craftsman of words, a teller of tales, and a dreamer of dreams. This Earth is a far richer and more joyful place because of your birth!”

I am herewith acknowledging Norman, my former husband and forever soulmate and heart’s friend for creating this website.

We are all blessed!

Thanks for the photos to and all of the creative artists More…

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