
In the upstairs hallway, perched on a bookcase, sat a small, elegantly inlaid wooden box from India. The inlay was of two men sitting and exchanging gifts with one another. This was the tithe box. My parents believed that no matter what funds one earned, being connected to a greater awareness of others was a human necessity. Ten percent of what one brought into the house was mentioned, but even the gesture of pennies in the box, kept the energy flowing.

Dragon! Dragon!

Dragons, forever mystical beings, see everything. They watch us navigate the external world as well as our inner world, and when this energy is awakened it is as if we are traveling with a best friend inside of us. The ego drifts into a balanced place and we see beauty everywhere. The energy of the dragon lives in our naval center, which is called ‘the city of hidden gems’ and behind its gates burns the fire of our transformation.