Moving Forward

Perhaps because I do not express my political opinions publicly, the supposition seems to be that I am uninformed….perhaps…because I have received at least TWO DOZEN texts from people sharing the news of Biden’s decision today, delivered with respect but also as if I am in kindergarten.  Haha. I grew up in a family where … Read more


My hood is inhabited by numerous Trump supporters as well as numerous non humans. It seems that the non humans are more tuned into the humans than the other way around. One of our night-time visitors is a mountain lion, whose medicine (according to Native Americans) is LEADERSHIP. Every single time this mountain lion visits, … Read more

Oh Dear!

Down by the sea, this elegant adorable spindly legged graceful creature struggled with itself over ‘Do I go into the water? Do I not go into the water? I WANT to go in, it’s calling me and looks like fun, BUT it’s splashy and cold and there’s something about it that makes me scared, WHAT … Read more

Hold Tight!

The coast has been invaded by boisterous partying heat escapees. The pelicans do not seem pleased, the sea lions are keeping their distance and the local humans are complaining loudly….yes, we’ve been infiltrated by foreign bodies….and the evidence is written in big letters on the names of the yachts…’OUTSIDERS’ just sailed out to sea and … Read more