In 1991, after driving a U-Haul truck from Charleston, South Carolina to New York City with 14-yeqr-old daughter, and young golden retriever riding shotgun, we found our new mini nest, which was dark and dusty but going to work.  While daughter hooted and howled in upset, golden retriever and I took a walk around the block.

Dogs and babies inspire conversation and connection as nothing else does.

As Julius (golden retriever) and I rounded a corner, we bumped into a sparkly man, who tipped his hat at us and said “Oh my”, and leaning over to stroke Julius, “And who might this glorious creature be?”.

“Julius”, says I.

“Ahhh, as in Julius Caesar?”

“Yes actually! He was born on the Ides of March!”

“Of course he was, and you are new to the neighborhood?”

I am silent.

The man reaches into his pocket and hands me his card. 

“I am a painter.”

I thank him and head off, not sure to trust or not to trust.

A few days later, bustling into the dreary foyer of our walkup,  arms loaded with groceries, a blue envelope with ‘Owner of Julius’ in the middle of floor, is staring up at me.


Max and I are none-such friends, we share passionate artistic spirits, and find comfort and excitement in a strange adventurous friendship. And so….one day….

Max: “How would you like to model for one of my paintings?”

Me: “W-e-l-l, will I be clad?”

Max: “I beleive you are familiar enough with my work that you know the answer to that.”

Me: “Yes! Where and what do I do?”

Max: “All you do is stand there, looking out at the reservoir, and trying to stay warm. I take photos and then you go home and take a hot bath”.

Andf so I did….and it WAS freezing, as winter was coming.


The painting that Max created from this escapade became the poster for seeking help for depression. (I found this rather humorous as we had so much FUN)…and Max received word that the poster would be on New York City buses. Being a bus rider in New York, I kept my eyes peeled. No sign of it for weeks.


Standing on the corner of 86th and Lex, a bus pulled up with the poster on it! I jumped up onto the bus, completely blithery with excitement, and I announced to the bus driver and everyone,


Oh boy. This is New York. 

“Yes”, says the bus driver, “Lady, would you take a seat.”

“NO!” says I,….”I mean I am on the OUTSIDE of this bus!”

Fellow passengers stare off into the blue, but the bus driver is patient.

“Lady, you are on the inside of the bus, sit down.”

“NO! COME LOOK!” And I urge him to get up and follow me me. He does.

With no muss, no fuss, he gestures to the entire entourage of humans on the bus to follow him to the sidewalk.

My ecstatic moment of wild delight erupts with him pointing to the poster, declaring:  

“We have a celebrity on the bus! Let’s give her a hand!” 

Applause, laughter and  head shaking. Then we all climb onto the bus and move on.

I LOVE New York.

And as a plus for Max and model, we were given front row tickets to the Big Apple Circus.

Can life be any better?

And should you be curious, my friend forever…check out:

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