
A Bed

Once there was a girl who grew up in a distant land, in a boarding school, who longed for her parents, her family, a home. In the absence of all, she grew a relationship with nature, with creatures, with trees, with the wind and with God.

As the years marched forward, and this chapter passed, the labyrinth of life brought beauty and trials to her, as it does to every being, but she was ever aware of her connection to things greater than herself and this brought her strength.

Then another walk appeared. A walk of multiple years with no home and no soft landing spot of her own. Her one longing every night was for her own bed…a quiet bed…in a safe place.

It came.

Now, every single night, she thanks God for her bed, and every morning she greets the creatures and the sky outside her window with supreme gratitude. No matter what else might be going on in life, to have a bed is an amazing gift.

We often take for granted all that we have.

Prayers for every human heart that is in longing.

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