Augustine of Hippo

This passage… 

“Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long course of rivers, at the vast compasses of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.”

…written in the 4th century by Augustine of Hippo, gives one pause. as the brilliance, the intellect, the universal quest of soul exploration and for understanding has been alive and well for a very very long time and is relevant today. Perhaps as mankind’s progress, with movement and speed and titillating possibilities at our fingertips and in our brains, we are now being asked to stop and look inward. We might discover breathtaking worlds inside that challenge and inspire and ignite and hold us in ways that we never could have imagined, that have been there all along.  Maybe they have been sitting there watching and waiting and knocking and rumbling  and sighing to no avail, for eons and are finally feeling that their day has come. 

Perhaps we should give them a chance.

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