

Beauty! My soul sings as music and my candle flame take my heart up into the sky, soaring out over the ocean with stretched wings and eagle eyes and then back again. Today the  seconds of sunshine are more than on any other day of the year. Movement. The days grow longer from December’s middle until today and now we turn around and begin to peel back,  just as the tides ebb and flow,  just as the moon waxes and wanes,  just as we are born and die and and come back again and again, just as our joys and sorrows rise and fall. With every single breath, a choice.

This morning I read a posting by a man who has recently been diagnosed with leukemia. My heart beat fast and I had to say to myself ‘Be still’ to absorb the exquisite expression of his words. His sharing was from a place of selflessness and intimacy. His appreciation for every being whose actions and energies now contributed to the supportive healing force in his present.  It was a testament to life, to consciousness and the beauty that is born from this.

And then, this evening, after a day of sunny light, cool winds, sharing, writing, and being,  I watched a lurching suv trying to fit into a parking space by the beach. A tiny elderly woman with a cane and crooked back, climbed out and settled on the beach wall. She sat and watched the ocean and the sky and then closed her eyes and looked as if she’d fallen asleep.

So many lives sharing this planet. So many joys and yearnings and stories of glorious life on earth. And now we all begin a new season, a new cycle together. Here we stand! All lined up holding hands! One, two three…Summer!

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