
Bidding Adieu to the Suburu

When this journey, out into the land where the sky is our roof  began, we had an aging but magnificent suburu station wagon. This car has been our anchor, even with its numerous needs for repair, our anchor.  Obie thinks of it as home, without it we would not have been able to manifest house-sits, cookies, connection to friends, family and our old life, any and all hopes of forward movement or anything at all. Or so we thought.

Last week our suburu heaved its last sigh and needed to be towed away forever. Shock, plummeting dismay, tears, a level of hopelessness previously not experienced hit all three of us (yes, even Obie was upended)  in the solar plexis. We could not breathe.

And then we did. And we are. We have had one week of putting our minds and hearts to work at problem solving this conundrum, and though we have not come up with a solution as of this moment, hope is alive and well, breath is steady and strong, the sense of a shift is in the air, and Obie seems to be going with the flow.

Yes! March is coming in like a lion! And we are growling with appreciation for the opportunity to still be here.

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