
In the late 60’s, living in suburbia New York, my mother’s passion for ‘doing’ rose up with a no-turning-back vengeance and she announced that she needed to go back to India, to gather information on the famine so that she could write THE BOOK.

Off she went. My father’s work, significant, as head of overseas mission work for Southern Asia, meant that my sister and I, teenagers,  were on our own!

I took it upon myself to be the chef, creating marvelous concoctions that no-one in the house had ever experienced.  This went well for Margaret and myself, but my father was not enthused.

I believe, to this day,  that this is why, (meaning his strategy to escape) he treated Margaret and me to THREE Broadway productions! We saw ‘Fiddler on the Roof” with Zero Mostel, we saw ‘Fariytale Theater’, and we saw ‘Butterflies are Free’ with Eileen Heckart. Unbeleivable.

My mother’s nose was quite out of joint when she returned and hearn about these escapades as this extravagence was not in our routine or budget…ever!

I was bitten by the theater bug though, bigtime, much to my parents’ dismay, as their preference for me was to walk a different sort of path.

I wonder what that might have been?

Way way too late now…bless them…and Mom and Dad, you ARE alive in me profoundly, regardless of appearances!

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