
Car Basket

Several weeks ago,  one of my earth angel friends, offered me the use of her car for three months as she was going to be flying east on an adventure of her own. My heart and head almost exploded with relief and joy. This, joined by another, sister of my heart’s offer to live in her cottage, for the exact same three months, was a sign to me that my life was about to change. Every seed that I had been planting, watering, loving in the name of financial freedom and creative abundance was in actual earthly form being realized. Every day my energy danced and my brain made lists of all of those doors, put on hold, that required my physical freedom to open.

The day was to be today. And the day before yesterday, a miracle in my friend’s life popped forth, and she needed to cancel her travel plans and stay put.

Yin and yang, alpha and omega, in the beginning..and then the end, the cyclone of emotions, beginning with a searing pain for myself,  and joy for her,  through my tears and inability to swallow.

And so. After two days of re-grouping, as the cottage will not work without a car, I am still here! I do not hold by the ‘what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger’, I simply know that God has a plan, I have a plan, they, we, are the same, the timing is a challenge,  I am weary,  my knowing is forever and today is spectacularly beautiful.

And there are many baskets…there are many eggs….in life.

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