Calling Mom

I think I’ll call Mom. Oh, that’s right, Mom….You….left 17 years ago…as  in your body….not sure you actually left as I feel you all the time. I feel like calling you….oh, wait a minute…our calls were not on cell phones. ‘Cell phones’ you ask? Yes….Oh brother, I’m not going to try to explain that….though actually … Read more

9/11 Phoenixing

Every year on this day, phone calls and messages come through and waves of wonder, sadness, gratitude, and love blow through my heart. I was a member of ‘the grief team’ for 9/11 and was assigned twenty women to work with for a year. What is there to say?  St. Exupery’s works were  fundamental north … Read more


Oh Sacred Day! Mom. Seventeen years ago you left….you set yourself free….and I see that it was perfect…now. You ignited a chapter…you lit a fire…family connections and paths became more clear and catapulsion happened. You left, Dad plummeted and left, Norman and I went homeless, the children became my liferafts, depth and clarity fine tuned … Read more

Spiders and Flies

“And so here we are”, said the spider to the fly. “Yes indeedy”, said the fly to the spider. “What to make of IT?” said the spider to the fly. “You tell me. “ said the fly to the spider, “And by the way, I have never seen myself as a victim of circumstance but … Read more

Elvira Madigan

February 1968, Northfield School, Northfield, Massachusetts Then: On a freezing evening in a chilly auditorium, the weekend movie had been announced but as not many in our dorm had ever heard of it,  I went alone.  During Christmas break, my older brother had mentioned ‘Elvira Madigan’ over tomato soup and Boston brown bread, saying “You … Read more

A spider and I have accidentally grown a relationship, and I know that my mother is smiling. Back story: Perhaps because of ‘Charlotte’s Web’, perhaps JUST BECAUSE, my mother had a fondness for spiders.  For decades, my family’s summer refuge was a rustic rented cottage on the shore of Lake Michigan, in the woods, with … Read more

Dragon Eyes

In the midst of the froth from heaviness and  confusion to joy and hope, a dragon card appeared with a message for us all in this, ITS year. Dragon eyes see beauty everywhere.    It is said that if a Yogi does not see beauty in the world, their agni is dim.  Agni is defined … Read more

Clockwork Orange and Poisonous Toads

Clockwork Orange, poisonous toads and saving the crocodiles. Yesterday while driving up PCH I was drawn into an NPR report on crocodiles in Australia being poisoned by toads. What? And apparently it’s a disaster…and lizards and snakes are also being victimized by the SITUATION.  The toads are actually innocent. They do not hop about biting … Read more


The moon, pale as swan wings, watched as they moved over the blue. The swan felt the warm weight of the woman resting on his wings, followed the pathway made by the music. The sea cradled the creature as he moved, light on the water. The sky revealed the light of heavens, a dark cloth, … Read more


As I watched a miniscule bee traverse one kitchen tile back and forth, back and forth, he/she was clearly befuddled. A tiny voice tinkled out saying “In a place called lost, strange things are found”…. there was no giving up….but the bee was wearying. You need to meditate, said I silently…slow down…let your brain go. … Read more

The Flower

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my darling MELANIE!!!! What you bring, who you are… there are no words, only music and awe and wonder that you chose ME to be your mother…. THANK YOU, SWEETIE PIE!!!! And now a joyful, gleeful, love-filled BEAUTEOUS BIRTHDAY to YOU!!!


July 22, 1976…Excelsior, Minnesota Nine months pregnant, the weather was hot, the mosquitoes were feasting on every bit of flesh they could find, and I was determined to tend to my garden full of zinnias and black eyed susans and poppies and cone flowers and nasturtiums while dodgling buzzing bees that were drunk on the … Read more

Moving Forward

Perhaps because I do not express my political opinions publicly, the supposition seems to be that I am uninformed….perhaps…because I have received at least TWO DOZEN texts from people sharing the news of Biden’s decision today, delivered with respect but also as if I am in kindergarten.  Haha. I grew up in a family where … Read more


My hood is inhabited by numerous Trump supporters as well as numerous non humans. It seems that the non humans are more tuned into the humans than the other way around. One of our night-time visitors is a mountain lion, whose medicine (according to Native Americans) is LEADERSHIP. Every single time this mountain lion visits, … Read more

Oh Dear!

Down by the sea, this elegant adorable spindly legged graceful creature struggled with itself over ‘Do I go into the water? Do I not go into the water? I WANT to go in, it’s calling me and looks like fun, BUT it’s splashy and cold and there’s something about it that makes me scared, WHAT … Read more

Hold Tight!

The coast has been invaded by boisterous partying heat escapees. The pelicans do not seem pleased, the sea lions are keeping their distance and the local humans are complaining loudly….yes, we’ve been infiltrated by foreign bodies….and the evidence is written in big letters on the names of the yachts…’OUTSIDERS’ just sailed out to sea and … Read more

Spirit Medicine

Yesterday evening,  standing on the edge of my bluff, beholding the golden light, soft winds and rustling leaves above the ever expansive sea and feeling that all really is well with the world in spite of…..

Next Time

Sitting at a stoplight on PCH, a small creature that is not the usual four legged vagabond in this hood,  scampered out into the middle of the intersection…


During my flu recovery this week, I began watching a mystery and withiin the first five mnutes knew everything that would happen and who had DONE IT.  

Singing in the Rain

The prediction of torrential rain exploded joyful ecstatic impishness in my core yester eve …but…I will WAIT until the heavens have really let it rip before venturing forth on my bluff, says I.


As baby teeth loosened, popped out and found their way under the pillow, a winsome, poetry laden tooth brownie found his way to our home every single time, and left wee treasures, ALWAYS with a note scratched out on a tiny slip of paper.

Proprioceptive Writing?

Sitting at a traffic light in my blue Taurus station wagon on East Bay Street, in Charleston, contemplating how on earth I was going to pull off participating in the ‘Proprioceptive Writing Course” at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. I needed to do this.


In the late 60’s, living in suburbia New York, my mother’s passion for ‘doing’ rose up with a no-turning-back vegeance and she announced that she needed to go back to India, to gather information on the famine so that she could write THE BOOK.


May you have friends who can see you, may your senses be windows of wonder and your mind a prism of spirit.


‘By the skin of my teeth’ floated through my so-called mind this morning as I pondered how on earth my existential reality is managing ever snce the writers’ strike obliterated my income.


My stunningly brilliant, queen of communicating and passionate pianist mother was stroked at the age of 83.


‘The color gold represents success, affluence and luxury, evoking a feeling of grandeur and sophistication.’


Once upon a time ago in Sri Lanka, when the monsoon winds howled their way to our bungalow, my sister and I nodded to each other and headed for the beach at a breakneck speed.

Otter Women

There is a tribe of women in our midst that moves and grooves, inspires and solidifies future generations silently, with no recognition.


As the strike continues for this third month, we whose livlihood has depended on ‘the industry’ have been called to pull back burnered thises and thats to the forefront to handle our existential survival.


“I wonder as I wander out under the sky”…another gift from lifetimes ago when osmosis-ing hymns while sitting in pews was a Sunday happening.


This morning I was called to ‘be with’ three families that are hovering on homelessness as a result of the writers’ strike.

Soul Mission

Oberon. One day, while Obie and I were innocently standing on the sidewalk waiting for a red light to turn green, an animal psychic slid up next to us and said “Every dog has a soul mission. This dog’s mission is to bring gentleness to his male master.”

The Covenant of Water

A few days ago, a heart stopping, soul vibing journey into the world that I grew up in, in South India, captured and carried me back into itself through Abraham Verghese’s book ‘Covenant of Water’….

Wild Thing

Jose and Matilda, my guardian lizards, were sitting on my doorstep dreaming in their lizardy way, when wafting through the cosmos, 


This week has been one of my phone ringing non stop with people in crisis. Crisis? Disharmony with reality. Unacceptance of what is. Pain, frustration, outrage. Each one needing to vent and be heard.

Being A Seal

In her late 80’s, my mother, having not only survived two massive strokes but also defied all odds by negating the prediction that she would never be  restored to being a recognizeable verison of herself in language or limb usage, would sit and say “I am of no use! I must be of use!” I listened and comforted her but now?


Julius had been born on the third floor of our funky green house by the sea in South Carolina and had been my best friend through the trials and tribulations of mothering my girls, following my dreams, facing dragons and meeting angels in every size and shape imagineable….he was my partner.

Snare Penguins

Avec my Saturday morning haferflocken (oatmeal, thank you, Norman!), I watch a children’s odyssey program and I inhale the most wondrous collection of intriguing tidbits.


As a girl in South India, my sister and I had the incredible good fortune to study with one of the prima bharatanatyam dancers in the country, as she was on maternity leave for two years.

Nature Blessings

Sitting, watching a giant hawk circle and glide in its magnificence while two baby hummingbirds innocently flit from blossom to branch to me.

Heart Reverie

On June 4th, 1957, my mother, father, two older brothers, younger sister, nanny, and I, climbed the gangplank of the SS Mauretania in New York City, waving good-bye to my grandpa, who thought he would never see us again, as we were heading for exotic, mysterious India, on the other side of the earth.


As my eight year old grandson, Huck, has a passion for snakes, and knowing that I had a weakness for all tortoise related creatures, I was coerced into watching a documentary on reptiles with him. 


This afternoon, as I stepped out of Trader Joe’s heading for my car, a robust, shining African American man came out at the same moment, flung his arms open wide and said ‘What a beautiful day!

I Wonder

In between life…as in taking a break from brain, I watch people….and specifically zero in on one particular person at a time who catches my eye and I wonder what it would be like to be that person.

Sea Fever

From John Masefield’s ‘Sea Fever’ (thank you, Mom, for imprinting my being with poetry and literature galore!). These words ran through me in broken intervals for those eight years of being a gypsy:

My Canyon

The road that leads from my bluff to civilization, swerves by a view of a canyon that opens on to the sea. Every single time I drive past this canyon, I flash back to a memory from my girlhood in India.

Swami Busters

The term ‘swami busters’ crossed my path a few days ago and amid sparkles of internal laughter, memories of adventure and friendship flew front and center.

The Taj

Whilst visiting a particular art exhibit on Saturday, a flood of feelings for the beauty of a time long ago and laughter.