CBD Gummies

January 28, Evening, Mount Washington

Three weeks ago today, in tandem with the fiire, my historically low blood pressure decided to re-create itself and sky rocket. I have never had high blood pressure, but being bodily aware, have been fascinated that the immediate ‘fight or flight’ hyperness that this mandatory evacuation propelled had stuck me in racing gear. 

As the days went by adjusting to my new reality which felt more like non reality, I remained aware but was not concerned, I was dealing with a lot.

But, I could not sleep. This was wearing on me. Hence a visit to the doctor.

The diagnosis, “alarmingly high blood pressure compared to your usual and CBD gummies would be a good plan.”

This rather tickled my fancy, and so I googled and found THE SHOP.

A gorgeous young brown skinned man with dreadlocks and a sparkling smile, interrupted his chat with a group of black friends, with “Can I help you?”

“Yes. I need something to calm myself down and the recommedation was CBD gummies, what do you think?”

One of then friends chimed in, “Getting high would do it”

“I don’t think so, I am rather high naturally.”

“Whoa, you go girl”

They all high fived.

“We want what you got!”

“But now I need to calm down.”

“Too much natural high ffor you?”

“No, I love how I am, but my house burned down.”


I was bear hugged by the bunch.

The dreadlocks man walked over to the counter, picked up an 8-pack of CBD gunmmies, handed them to me with “On the house, M’am, but take only one if you’re new.”

“I am. I am very new.”

And they all high fived me and hugged me and I walked out. It was lovely.


We shall see.

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