Clockwork Orange and Poisonous Toads

Clockwork Orange, poisonous toads and saving the crocodiles.

Yesterday while driving up PCH I was drawn into an NPR report on crocodiles in Australia being poisoned by toads. What? And apparently it’s a disaster…and lizards and snakes are also being victimized by the SITUATION. 

The toads are actually innocent. They do not hop about biting big fierce creatures, but simply by exisitng and being eaten themselves, they become murderers.  

What to do?

Enter ‘Clockwork Orange’ (the therapy for reversing Alex’s violent behavior)….

Scientists and indigenous rangers have come up with a plan to inject culprit toad carcasses with a chemical that makes the crocodile sick, then they leave the bodies as bait and the crocs learn to AVOID THOSE TOADS at all costs.

This plan is working. Now Australians can look forward to an enormous increase in the crocodile population! Oh hurray!

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