The cold, at night, has been bone chilling and sleep inhibiting for weeks. A sweet shift for these last couple of nights and wells of relief spill over into tears. The ‘tricks’ to living in the car on such nights? Neighborhoods do not welcome parked cars with fogged windows. Hence one must crack the windows just enough to de-fog, but not freeze to death. Even if one is snuggled into a sleeping bag and has the windows j-u-s-t right, what about the beloved golden retriever in the back seat? He gets cold too and must be continually watched and covered and re-covered.
One winter, years ago, sitting at the breakfast table in our cozy cottage on Cape Cod, my first husband read the morning paper and there was mention of someone ‘dying of exposure’. He made light of it in wonder…what must that be like? How AWFUL! Can you IMAGINE? In this country? And off we went to take photos of a bright morning on the beach.
Yes. I can imagine.