
Sunday Evening—Mount Washington

A few days ago, a daddy longlegs, with gangly wildly unpredictable dancing legs, catalyzed a flash for me on Danny Kaye in “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” and how my dad gaffawed just at the mention of the character, hence I dubbed this spider, ‘Danny’.

Danny, oh Danny, I’m sorry.

Danny first appeared above the sink of my present sheltering abode. I watched him watching me when I turned on the faucet or opened a cupboard. After a few days his web began to grow significantly and I felt that he had chosen the wrong place, and so I tried to catch him in a tissue and move him. He saw me coming and ran.

The next afternoon I spied him scooting along my suitcase…nevermind…he was moving quickly, thought I, and hadn’t decided to make his home there, so good, may he choose a more appropriate place.

Two nights later, in the middle of the night, on a trip to the bathroom, in a semi sleepy state, he dangled right down in front of me from the side of the toilet. ‘Not a good plan’ thought I, but I let him be.

No sign of him the next day.

The next night, same routine, but this time he had woven a giant web and not only was Danny sitting and peering at me with bright beady eyes, but he had caught a giant flailing beast in his net, right next to where I sat.

“Danny, Danny, I tried to give you space, I gave you a second chance, I tried to help you, BUT you made a bad decision. Good-bye.”

The End

PS…I have apologized to him all day today, and blessed him.

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