Doodles by the Sea

Time out this afternoon for a barefoot sea meander. Wee birds scooting in and out of the water on tiny wheel feet and splish splashing with flipping wings for sprinkle baths, soft and delightful and surreal in its simple sweetness as the world cries out.

Up yonder, a hefty woman deliberately striding towards me, commanding her two doodle dogs on leashes, in a harsh tone  “Heel! Heel!” and the dogs in distress, having a tough go but looking up, seeing me and grokking a friendly spirit, eye plead ‘heeellllppppp!’.  

Uh oh. Enter my brain. ‘The dogs belong to someone else, stay in your own garden, do not speak or encourage them to disobey their tyrant.’ Other brain  ‘B-U T let them know that they are seen….emapthized with.’  Another brain, ‘BE GOOD, dogs, do not blow it! I will smile at you as a friend.’

So I did. They saw. They smiled back. The woman did not see but kept yelling, ‘Heel! Heel!’ But there was a little lilt in the doodle step that was not there before, as they marched on.


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