Eyes of Peace


As we beings are all vibrating with upset in a multitude of realms, we hear over and over again, ‘Breathe. meditate, do yoga, connect with nature and shhhhhhhh’.

Underneath, above and to the east and west of this is peace. For many years Thich Naht Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, has been one of my personal spiritual teachers.  The simplicity of his walking and standing meditation takes one away from the idea of sitting at length in lotus position or carving out special time that never quite happens to ‘do’, as this seems to be the obstacle for many.  I invite you, next time that you walk, even if from the parking lot to the post office, or as you stand in line to pick up supplies, with each inhale say “I breathe in”, and with every exhale,”I am at peace”. 

Once upon a time ago when I was studying counseling, I read that it takes twelve weeks to break a habit and four more to create a new one. Where on earth did that come from? We humans are magnificent in the brain and will department. 

Peace with every breath. 

And as you exhale the world might look more friendly and feel softer.

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