
Fairy Dust

A few days ago,  a gorgeous young man, fresh and clean, with a vibrancy in his eye,  stood  on the exit  corner of the 10 with a sign asking for help. Thoughts catapulted. ‘People are going to think he can surely get a job’ and drive by, ‘And what is he doing out here?’ and drive by, ‘And he doesn’t look as if he needs anything, to me’, and drive by. 

No! That fresh sparkle won’t last long out there. Someone needs to help him!

We each have our journeys. our stories, our raison d’etre. It is not the business of one of us to interfere with another’s and thus change their personal history.


 Once upon a time in  Charleston, Peter Pan visited the stage of the Dockstreet Theater. Tinker Bell’s voice and language, in this  production, was channeled through me! Every night, as the twinkling light on stage, that was Tinker Bell, flickered while she flitted and flopped,  dying, the entire theater full of children and adults, rose to their feet clapping to bring her back to life because they believed in magic.

And so, as we speak, I hear clapping! 

Surely fairy dust is on its way to lift and protect this beautiful young man.

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