
Female Empowerment and Girl Rising

On Monday evening I attended an event in Beverly Hills whose raison d’etre was the screening of a new film called ‘Girl Rising’, an exquisite telling of true tales from around the world of nine young girls’ devastating circumstances and each’s shoulders back, head high, inspirational passage into the world of possibilities through attending school. The bottom line? Every female on the planet has the birthright, and we, the population of the planet, the responsibility, to provide the scenario for global freedom through education and the empowerment of women.

This film was the nectar that drew butterflies and bees and humming and buzzing that was an energetic peek at what life on this planet could and should be about, creating.. The ‘build it and they will come’ was soul reassuringly beautiful in that the crowd that attended was a meadow full of color, texture, size, shape, heart, voice, laughter, camaraderie, intention and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm…the word comes from Latin meaning possession by a god. And there it was. In Beverly Hills. A throbbing community of people gathered from wildly different paths to be present and support an innate knowing,  simply stated by the grounding force and creator, Tess Cacciatore,  of the sponsoring organization, GWEN (Global Women’s Empowerment Network), “cooperation rather than competition”. This side step from our ego driven mainstream is all that it takes to  lift, shift, heal and open the portals to ways of uniting and growing that the planet is sobbing for.  We need to go back to the ways of indigenous cultures, where the man with the biggest pile is no longer the winner, but thought to be insane, and move forward in a new way to a world where the knee-jerk impulse to every insult, injustice and imbalance is how can I help?

What a beautiful mantra!
How can I help?

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