purple petaled flower field

Flower Magic

Somewhere, apres my birthday, a flower encyclopedia fell into my lap. The histories, origins, medicinal uses, mystical beliefs, folk tales, essences, properties, how to combine and for what, all luxuriously described and illustrated sit before me while my cup of tea progresses from hot to warm to undrinkable. One must stay grounded when faced with a colossal window into one’s passions.

Closing my eyes, in this moment, I will allow three flowers to float to the top. 

Tuberose, aligned with the moon, hence her scent and vibration open one’s intuitive abilities…and the scent takes one out of the head into the body. This deepens our intuitive abilities and allows them to integrate into every day consciousness and express them in a useful way.

Lilies, aligned with the angelic realm…They are also aligned with numerous goddesses, saints (including Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Venus, Archangel Gabriel, and Saint Anthony), and a traditional symbol of purity and protection.  It might just as well be a visual manifestation of divine energy.

Jasmine magically encapsulates all that is wonderful and right in the world. Like a breath-takingly beautiful woman, she is a queen. She is passionate, luxurious and prosperous.

Petals in the bath tub? 

Creams to slather oneself in? 

A field to lie down in and be one with. 

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