Flying Turtles


How many memory triggers does one brain hold?



And so yesterday evening a sea turtle swam across my computer screen and  looked as if it was flying…and I was transported to the deck of a houseboat on Nigeen Lake in Kashmir.  The war between Pakistan and India was happening and my father had been called in to try to negotiate peace. So strange in reflection because that was the reality and yet we were living a dream reality at the same time.

A HOUSEBOAT on a magically exquisite lake, supreme quiet except for a few canoe-like boats paddled by merchants selling everything from fruit to fur, and our houseboat crew, which was a sweet family  Spell-bindingly other worldly.

I was sunning Mo, my tortoise, on the deck and I felt presences creeping up behind me. Two children, gorgeous Persian looking beings with huge almond shaped eyes and dark shiny mops of hair silently staring at Mo. They ran away when I looked up and returned with their father, the cook. He excused himself and on behalf of the children, he asked  “What knid of bird is this?”

No turtles in this land, hence, Mo became a bird. 

We all shared and grew wings that day.

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