Full Circles

1970—Lexington, Massachusetts

After being released from a long hospital stay in Boston and working as the head teacher for four-year-olds in a pre-school, my living arrangements fell through and so the director of the school invited me to live with their family in the attic turret of a grand old house. It felt like a fairy tale with pitched ceilings and little windows that opened out onto giant trees, old furniture and a single bed covered with quilts.

I taught by day, read Tolstoy by night, discovered Puccini, lived on apples and walked the magnificent kingsized poodle, Hector, every morning before school.

After living decades of action packed ‘otherwise’, I am living a different verison of this now….

Looking out over treetops, a quilt laden bed, waking to birds chatting at me, working all day, reading late into the night, living on popcorn, constantly discovering new music that is actually old.

Full circles and mysterious gift laden life.

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