
‘The color gold represents success, affluence and luxury, evoking a feeling of grandeur and sophistication.’

My insides ripple with delight and God’s sense of humor.

GOLDEN RETRIEVERS that I have known and loved are visually pure elegance, however sophistication and grandeur does not exactly come to mind.

Soames collected rocks,

Julius collected socks,

Lily collected stuffed animals,

Theo collects hand towels and pillows,

And Obie could fit five tennis balls in his mouth at once and this was heaven.

Who would we humans be without our four-legged soul-mates?

In mind boggling shapes, sizes, colors and personalities.

We NEED them to ground us in what matters most.

Love, company, hilarity, connectedness.

As we toss and turn with never ending change, THIS does not.

Thank goodness.

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