Happy New Year to you ALL!!!!! Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!
YES, my beginnings and endings happen all at once.
In astrology, Capricorns youthen as they age, having lived ‘as old’ in childhood, they lighten up and become childlike as the years pass.
In 1991, living in NYC, while attending a Deepak Chopra presentation at the Broadway Theater, a psychic woman slipped in next to me, put her hand on my knee and said “The dreams that are calling you, your stories, are going to reach their final form as movies when you are much much older.”. In one sense this was welcome news, but the ‘when you are much much older’ was not my prefered plan.
My writing life began on a verandah in Sri Lanka, under my mother’s exacting presence when I was wee. My poems and treatises were well received right on through to college admission time. THEN, having walked through lofty doors, this all came to a screeching halt, as the idea of visual storytelling became my passion. SCREENPLAYS. I had no interest in what I viewed as the traditional writer’s route, and this north star shone brightly, HOWEVER, screenplays are an entirely different beast, and the gate keepers of their forward movement are from a foreign planet.
Having moved to LA twenty-two years ago, with no doubt about what I was doing, I had no idea that there was a labyrinth that must be navigated before the Elixir could be acquired. I was taken to my knees again and again, tested…and from there a multitude of new stories grew.
Today? Humorously, devotedly walking the walk, and the Cheshire Cat’s words ring in my ears:
“When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea, and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.”
And the psychic was right.
As the world spins this way and that, so too does the entertainment industry, and my stories are finding homes! For REAL.
Let the wild rumpus start! And the Elixir will fill our hearts and souls!