
Heart Chards

In addition to the keys to her cabin in the sky, when my daughter left for Africa, she gave me the gift of two healing sessions with a old soul, beautiful young man.

I redeemed my first session during my first week and felt as if I’d been drugged with spring nectar, and I redeemed my second session the day before I left the city to return home.

My quest, in flying off to New York had been to achieve clarity about what to do next. I have been frozen with not knowing for so long. The lack of choice when one has no money and no base from which to operate is stifling.  This is the catch twenty-two, in order to make the moves that one needs to make, in order to shift the existential reality, one needs the very thing that one is seeking, finances. For the first time, a choice has appeared, and with it the agony of moving away from the three loves of my present world: my grand daughter, my golden retriever and my almost ex-husband.

And so when I stood up from my session and asked if there was anything that I needed to know. The answer: “Yes, you were totally clear except for some chards surrounding and coming out of your heart.”

Ah. I feel them.  I need to bring Luciana’s laughter, Obie’s softness, and Norman’s support into my heart and carry them as I step off into the unknown to guide us back into the land of home dwellers.

I wonder if this is how Frodo Baggins felt.

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