Horses and Kingdoms

A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!

Where did this come from on the dawning of a non heat day with birds and lizards singing and relaxing?

Ah yes……perhaps inspired by the most exquisite photographs at an art gallery opening on Saturday…reminding me…taking me back…to horse days.

But this phrase? As  Richard III was dying….meaning ‘I would give anything and everything up for this one t-h-i-n-g.’ We all travel our own versions of particular passionate yearnings and no sacrifice would be too great…what incredible sublime beauty when one reaches a place where passions are alive and well, but in balance with simple truths.

I am alive, inside and out, I have love in my life according to my nature,  I am contributing to the world according to my nature, and that is enough. 

The rest is a giant cherry on top…not neccesary but welcome and lovely.

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