
Oh joy! Indra, goddess of rain, threw open the floodgates in heaven and torrential downpours ensued! Finally!  And of course, as worlds constantly collide, my childhood in India, and the urge to strip off  the clothes and dance with passionate abandon whenever monsoon cloudbursts arrived after months of hot winds and blistering heat,  and the present of my grand-daughter, Indra’s, first birthday on this very day of drenching droplets. How wondrous is life?

Indra, born a few weeks before the pandemic created its re-arrangement on life on the planet. Her entire out of the womb experience has been once of being at home, in the home,  sequestered with three phenomenally active, chatty, loving, creative siblings. Hoopla is her friend, as is being scooped up by anyone who wants company building legos in the closet, or reading in the teepee, or audience appreciation and accompanying vocals for the newest musical endeavor. Pure joy. This year. And now rain! Thank you, Indra.

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