
Inheriting the Earth

Lately I have been walking up and down mountainous hills, sometimes very steep, on well worn paths. As I do, I look at the earth on which I tread. Earth. Dirt. Brown and dry, with snake holes, stray blades of grass, an occasional tiny white flower. ‘The meek shall inherit the earth’ dances in and around my mind. Where did this come from and what does it mean? I was raised in the Christian church and know what I was taught that it meant,  but what does it mean now? To me?  To the world of now?

Earth is the dirt under my feet. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, it has been here forever and will be here forever, we become it, how can one walk on dirt, with consciousness and experience anything but humility?

And then there’s the other earth, the big one. And in this world of rising awareness around the God self and personal empowerment, from mystics to the masses, the ‘I am God and I can manifest anything’, where is there room for the meek and why would  anyone choose this path?

I do not know the why, but if one does nothing but listen and watch, what happens next has to do with the answer.

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