
This afternoon I stopped at Santa Monica Seafood to see what was what in the way of dinner. 

As I approached the check out woman, a gorgeous African American woman about my age, she looked me in the eye with grand excitement that then exploded into, “I know you! I know you! I know you!”

And I said, “You do?”

And she said ‘Yes! You are the lady in the dog food commercial a loooooong time ago, you and that bouncy sheep dog! You were SO CUTE with him that I went out and bought one! I named her Lucky, and she had babies and then they had babies and we still have them! And it’s all because of you! I can’t believe I’m meeting you!”


Besides being totally tickled (that commercial was thirty-five years ago…???) The idea of my commercial selling a sheep dog rather than dog food made my day.

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