
Materialism vs Spirituality

As one’s money diminishes in quantity down to nickels and dimes, one is faced with the reality of positioning. Do we allow the mind to be consumed with worry and doubt? Do we turn inwards and find the God that lives inside of us and choose to water this garden? 

This a personal question that we humans all encounter when our backs are to the wall in one form or another. 

Something that I have read about and experienced, is a sucking vacuum quality to materialism that takes one away from one’s inner world. This is not an advocation of floating on lilypads and om-ing all day, but rather a rally to raise consciousness around the energy of consuming and where it takes one. 

Watching and being amongst the post Christmas sale seeking crowds on the Santa Monica promenade, one can feel the magnet and addictive power of the shopping escape. It is also an escape from quiet and seeing and hearing. 

I stood at a crosswalk, waiting for a light to change and on the other side of the street there was a cluster of homeless people asking for help. One boisterous woman, big smile, and cup in hand, was singing ‘Eeny meeny miny moe, help me help me, row row row!’ I watched for five minutes and not one person, on the run, stopped. Then someone came out from a book store, reading. He looked up when he heard her singing, smiled, spoke to her and gave her and each of her friends a coin.

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