
1956, Concord, New Hampshire

As baby teeth loosened, popped out and found their way under the pillow, a winsome, poetry laden tooth brownie found his way to our home every single time, and left wee treasures, ALWAYS with a note scratched out on a tiny slip of paper. Such as:

I’ve chomped my way through six long years

I’ve bit your tongue a time or two.

I’m old and gray and tired and worn,

You’re ready for a tooth that’s new!

And then one night…as the India trip was looming and another tooth fell out…

Tomorrow night when

the moon is yellow

Take a second look

beneath your pillow.

And guess what??????? MORGAN.

Morgan travelled the world with me, under my arm, to and from India over the course of seven years, and he knew all of my secrets. Every girl needs a Morgan

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