Mouse Medicine

January 7, 2024, Malibu

Is there a mouse in the house? or something bigger? or maybe under the house, trying to scramble in? 

Mouse Medicine is Scrutiny. Every single creature carries a medicine, a message not to be ignored.  Of course maybe said scratching is actually a rat, or a squirrel, or a raccoon, or or or, as I can only hear it…but methinks mouse.

Hence, Scrutiny, and a moment to reflect on that which is directly in front of me and requires my attention.


And what I see is that my world in this canoe that I am paddling has hit rapids. 

And what I hear is:

The path you took to get here has washed out;                  

The way forward is still concealed from you.

The mouse has quieted.

Message received. Thank you, Mouse. Thank you, Universe. I will hang on, flow with what is given and trust.

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