
This week has been one of my phone ringing non stop with people in crisis. Crisis? Disharmony with reality. Unacceptance of what is. Pain, frustration, outrage. Each one needing to vent and be heard.

Somewhere in my distant past…I believe from ‘The Family of Man’…these words: “The pathetic chant of the human voice” rang though me and yesterday on my walk over to the rose garden by the sea in Santa Monica, a jazz quartet, which before my eyes became a quintet, as a passer by carrying his saxaphone asked if he could join and OH MY GOD what happened next was heaven. With zero prior connection, these five musicians vibed and grooved and delivered the most exquisite tones, tunes, heart medicine and people drew in from behind bushes and blankets and sunset musings.

Beneath this calm exterior, lives a passionately driven artist, whose life has teetered between the here and now and the forever more somewhere else. I am often asked HOW do I keep going? I have two secret weapons.

God, my grounding force in faith and hope and surrender, and Music.

Music is angel speak. It crosses boundaries and pulls we humans into realms beyond time and ‘is-ness’. Stories and visual art suspends our personal realities and we enter worlds and participate in dramas that someone else has created.

In music we shapeshift into a world of pure feeling…we are carried up and out, being led by our hearts. We leave where we are in time to a time of no time. The gift in this is supreme relief from human concerns that are manipulated by time.

And now we circle back to God.

Music is God’s gift to us to remind us of who we are in soul, where boundaries are non existent and the heart rules.

And so, in this time on earth when angst is running rampant, remember music….your heart will DANCE. I promise.

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