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Musical Tripping

Once upon a time ago, in the 80’s and 90’s, I was a massage therapist. I worked out of my home, always, and in this way I provided an income for myself and my daughters while being available as a mother. The gifts of this work are widespread and deep, and one surprise gift was the music. Every client had a music preference, and as those were the days of listening stations in NYC, my homework was to spend hours, standing with headphones on, and from here choosing the perfect matches for my clients. My collection from those days is grand. Every morning now, after my meditation, my music goes on.  The moment that it does, whatever is playing, the entire experience of the ‘who’ that is connected slides in…I see in my mind’s eye the person’s body lying on my table, I hear his or her voice and conversation, and I feel their particular dealings with life, right along side where I was at the time in mine. What an incredible  mystery, these senses that we own as humans.

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