Tuesday, February 11, Mount Washington
My sparkling pink and turquoise fingernails are the gift of Goddess Indra. otheriwise known to me as Raindrop Rosebud.
This girl.
Ater snuggling up into me and reading ‘ Knight Owl’ complete with owl and dragon sound effects, (she had memorized every word and turned the pages perfectly as if reading), she took me by the hand and said “Now we are going to color together. I will do the hummingbirds and you will do the flowers. Does that sound good?”
It did.
After completing two magnificent co-creations….and myself in awe of her color discernment “This green is a bit too yellow, and this one is a bit too blue, I’m not seeing the one that is the right one.” No whining or fussing, simply matter of fact sifting throuigh the color box until she silently found THE ONE.
THEN, she picked up all of the pencils, put the coloring book away and looked thoughtfully at my hands. “Mamgee, you need nail polish, would you like that? I’m v-e-r-y good at this”.
Oh my Gosh..
Nail polish? Me? Whatever you say.
“First we spread a towel, a big towel. I’m very good at this but sometimes drips drip. It’s okay if it drips on the towel. Now, I think you need mermaid colors. What do you think?”
“Yes, it feels like a mermaid day to me.”
The bubbling chatter, the effervescent attention, the drips, the satisfied “It’s not perfect, but how do you like them?”
“I love them. I will love them forever, even when they’re not there any more.”
“That doesn’t make sense”
It does to me.