New Year Gifts

Malibu, December 27, 2023

Yesterday morning a teenager in crisis. This was the beginniing:

“I want to kill my parents! They don’t get me, we fight all the time, I HATE them, I HATE everyone, I HATE my life.”

A universal wail, but I feel that we elders need to pay attention to the amped upness of the times that we’re living in…the intensity of competiton and unworthiness and appearances. 

Famiilies…every single one of us feels at some time that he/she is planted in what seems to be the strangest garden imagineable Who are these people? This family of mine? They are SO different and annoying. Why don’t they understand me? Somebody must have made a mistake. I do not belong here. 

How do any of us make it through this, absorb the nutrients, discard the riffraff, individuate, own and recognize our own identities, blossom and turn around and contribute to the collective whole? HOW? And ideally to be grateful, heartful, grounded and full.

BUT this world right now is moving so fast that young people are more in crisis than ever. They need us. 

Perhaps added into New Year’s resolutions an expansion of our gifts to touch someone younger…humor? warmth? music? adventure? wonder? laughter? wisdom?

They need us.

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