
Wednesday Morning, February 26, Long Beach

An astrological ‘thing’ describing the inner and outer affects of the extraordinary planetary alignment that is approaching and where the world stands with this, crossed my path this morning and I succombed.

Then an NPR interview with Oleksandra Malviichuk on her view of Ukraine, Russia and the US. 

THIS. This is the reality…the horrors that the entire population of Ukraine is living…the agonies…the children. Oleksandra, Nobel Peace prize winner/human rights defender articulated specifics of the  present and yet fiercely proclaimed that Ukraine would not only survive, but rise up in goodness and integrity as a symbol of light/strength/togetherness.

Then a whatsapp text from an close friend, as in adopted brother, who has worked for years through Doctors Without Borders as a negotiator and instrumentalist in creating hospitals in warzones, most recently for 18 months in Gaza….where they treated ALL people, as in BOTH SIDES of the conflict with practically no funds or beds and half of which were children with blasted apart bodies.

THIS is our world. THIS is why, though we are brought to our knees in various ways ‘over here’…fires, hurricanes, shootings…we have not experienced war on our turf…the mass suffering of loss of loves and limbs.

A few months ago my thirteen year old grand daughter sat with me quietly and said, “Mamgee, I feel guilty. I know you don’t have much money and we have lots. I can buy anything I want any time, no problem and you can’t. I feel guilty and don’t know what to do.”

The soul smiles.

I said, “My darling. My path is different than yours. We are each exactly where we are supposed to be. We make choices. What you see as me ‘being without’ is me making choices according to my nature. Feeling guilty is a waste. Feeling feelings about others and acknowledging who we are in relation to ‘them’ is key. 

It’s about asking oneself: What gifts do I have that will help the world…even in a tiny way…be brighter? Be better? 

You are young and where you live, how you live is bursting with opportunities to make your world bigger and help you figure out who you want to be in all of it…for when you are older. Have FUN in it and keep your awareness and sensitivity alive while you’re doing it. YOU have made my world bigger and brighter in this very conversation, and there is nothing more important than that…being there for each other honestly and coming from a place of caring. 

And may we all keep our eyes on those planets! 

They are up to something!

Long live Ukraine.

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