

“What’s in a name? That whcih we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.”

Oh P-22….there is phenomenal effort being made right now to heal your wounds and resulting starvation and usher you into a sancutary….but know that no matter what, you have been a gift  and a teacher to fellow creatures (in this case mankind) in this life of yours on earth.  

What more is there for any of us than to be a gift and a teacher? You have done well, you have taught us what it is to live in harmony with supposed foes. You have peacefully gone about your business of survial and thrival living in a highly populated public park and rarely rarely being seen for TEN years….The humans quietly knowing and lovng the notion of your presence ut not actually crossing paths…and you quietly, secretly keeping the deer population in check. 

And now, as with us all, your years have caught up with you…and caught you for real…and yes, you goofed…and you knew….those puppies were not meant for you. Hearts aligned that you shall be put out to pasture, so to speak, and one day you and the pups will discuss.

Meanhwhile…the name.


The 22 is self explanatory…a master number which carries spiritual power and holds the energy of duality, adaptability, insight, and selflessness. 

The P.

The P could be P for Peter…Peter, from the Bible, was ‘chief Apostle’ but/and the name means THE ROCK.

Or it could be for Phoenix! Immortality, resurrection and life after death.

Or it could be for Patrick.  A nobleman of Latin descent.

And always and forever it could be for Prince…royal lineage slinking about in disguise.

Oh we humans! And the mind! Shhhhhhhhh. You know who you are, P-22, and we thank you.

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