Every single morning, at the exact same time, a little bird perches on the exact same spot on the tippy top of a bush outside my window, facing the ocean, and she seems to meditate. She sits there with her eyes closed, apparently simply listening, smelling, being.
I wait for her, as this represents a calling to me, tis time to do likewise.
I turn off whatever curtain I am straightening, or water I am boiling or thought I am thinking and sit still, eyes closed, with my wings at my side.
This is a philosophy based on the notion that the human mind has the ability to contact spiritual worlds, which, of course it does. I am not sure if the word itself means beings in other realms, as well as beings of other species that clearly inhabit the world of spirit while in an earthly body, but nevermind. The word is fun.
I hereby dub my morning friend, Posie.
Names are lovely.