This morning at a stoplight an elderly homeless woman held up her sign for help and extended her hand towards me, into which I was able to put something very small. She was overwhelmed. She blessed me and blessed me shakily, and said that now her day would be a good one.
A little while later I received a phone call from someone who was in frantic distress over having to endure being stuck and not able to go on vacation.
In ‘Paradise Lost’, Milton says that the mind can make heaven of hell and hell of heaven.
This is cause for pondering.
Every single one of us is born with an amalgamation of gifts that is absolutely our own, as in there is no one else on earth that shares this unique arrangement. This is our raison d’etre! To unearth what these gifts are and use them. Some may be obvious and others are not, but one’s mission and joy is to hunt for them, find them and live them.
Once one opens oneself to this quest, one morphs from a quiet puddle into a rolling river.
I promise.