
Saturday Morning

Many questions, behind loving eyes, about my inner balance as I live without a home or car or steady income.

I have no answers. This chapter has been an incredible lesson in choosing to live in peace. If I choose to worry, there is a list ten million miles long of possibilities, but I do not choose this. We are pummeled by the media and each other to worry, to fear, to be upset. We live in a time of upheaval, but I wonder if every generation might not feel this way. After all, each of us comes into a world which is a certain way at the moment we enter and it changes during our lifetime. I wonder if each generation doesn’t feel that THIS generation is really really experiencing the world in crisis. I keep my eye and heart on the circles of energy that go beyond my physical being: family, friends, community,  country,  world,  universe and the place that I always arrive at is the place where I began. Myself. My inner garden. I must water it and sit with it and love it and keep it in order.  I am vulnerable to the intense vibrations that are throbbing all around  and  I protect myself with on-going meditative exercises all day, while being ever conscious of showing up to others.  And I’m happy. I’m at peace. And while I live in this I never let go of my dreams. Not ever.

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