Singing in the Rain

December 20, 2023, Malibu

The prediction of torrential rain exploded joyful ecstatic impishness in my core yester eve …but…I will WAIT until the heavens have really let it rip before venturing forth on my bluff, says I.

My previous earthly imprinting before Southern California, included explosive passionate, tearing off of clothes and dancing barefoot in welcoming monsoon rains in India and Sri Lanka, and then eternally navigating  and becoming masterful as ‘making it through’ the murky pools of water from flooding for the years in New Orleans and Charleston…and out here?

Desert dryness…sigh…but tonight RAIN is coming!

It came in the dark, exactly at the bewitching hour when mountain lions and coyotes roam about.  As I am the size of a tasty morsel I grabbed a big stick and decided to sing loudly. 

I wonder what they thought. Drenched, huge stick in hand, I sang as I never have before for a long long time standing in the edge of my bluff, facing the sea which was totally obliterated from sight. Heaven.

And today the solstice. May we all welcome yet another cycle of darkness and light.

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