Snare Penguins

Avec my Saturday morning haferflocken (oatmeal, thank you, Norman!), I watch a children’s odyssey program and I inhale the most wondrous collection of intriguing tidbits.

Snare penguins must surely be highlit in a children’s fantasy about none-suchness, as these penguins live in dreamy forest havens in New Zealand.  

Can anything be more wonderful?  

They haven’t totally forgotten that they are penguins, in that they eat fish and squid and krill, but otherwise, they are rebels. 

One of the most adorable facets of this is that, as male and female penguins have a custom of going on separate foraging expeditions, now they get to meander through leafy glades and sunlight beaches, rather than icy wastelands that chill one to the bone with just the thought!

May we all spend at least one life as a snare penguin.

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