Spirit Medicine

Yesterday evening,  standing on the edge of my bluff, beholding the golden light, soft winds and rustling leaves above the ever expansive sea and feeling that all really is well with the world in spite of…..WHEN, like a wartime helicopter popping up from a hidden spot below, a GIANT EAGLE…with a wingspread of at least two feet…maybe more…..VOOMED up, practically hitting me in the face, staring me straight in the eye….with his/her TWO EYES. 

I startled, gasped and intuitively zipped into my Native American medicine knowing and said to self ’Spirit!’ and wondered what the specific message might be when on the ground, scuttling out from under the recently slaughtered grasses by my feet that  the fire department had chopped because we are in fire season, a mama quail and her babies, running helter skelter making terrified little wailing noises.

Meanwhile the eagle was hovering staring at me. I looked right at HIM/HER and said ‘You’re scaring them”, and it flew straight up into the sky. 

The quails took the moment to re-hide, I headed down my path AND the eagle followed me, closely. I turned to it and said “You’re scaring me a bit too”, and it flew straight up again, right in front of the sun so that when I tried to look at it I was blinded, except for the shape of its wings.

Every single animal carries a medicine. The eagle’s is Spirit. 

Time to digest.

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