adorable animal close up cute

Squirrel Tricksters

Something suspect has been going in the squirrel world. Whether one strolls along the Palisades overlooking the ocean in town, or meanders up onto the bluff in the outskirts, there are baby squirrels everywhere! The most endearing wee creatures, in addition to their adorable rough and tumble playfulness, is that their self preservation alerts have not yet been downloaded, hence they have zero fear of humans or dogs or giant flying hawks, and double hence, the dogs are dumbfounded. Where is the fun in this? 

As one  golden doodle charged pseudo-viciously-full-throttle  towards one, and a beagle woofed passionately fiercely at another, with no reaction on either count, the golden doodle looked anxiously at his owner and then sat down with a disgruntled moan, and the beagle stood in frozen posture, emitting silent woofs every few seconds.

Oh nature, you tricky monkey! One shift and readjustment all ‘round.

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