
As the strike continues for this third month, we whose livlihood has depended on ‘the industry’ have been called to pull back burnered thises and thats to the forefront to handle our existential survival. 

Thank goodness for the gift of creativity, which does happen to shimmer and shine and touch and inspire through writing, but is not limited to this. I am finding that a once upon a time ago chapter, that had supported my daughters and myself during my single mother years, and that I walked away from twenty years ago…that of being a healing arts practitioner, has reappeared and I am being called to hold ‘healing sessions’. 

As this involves intimate sharing, I am profoundy moved and anchored in my passion for story telling. It is through stories that human life is not benign but extraordinary.

Wells are overflowing with brand new possibilitiies. 

And the mystery contiinues. 

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