My Tortoise, Myself


now my soul’s attention turns towards the thousands who are being uprooted and discarded in the name of progress. Be brave all of you! Find your loves and create new homes! The world is topsy turvy right now and we all need to stay focused on what is important! Stay alive! And Love!

Fairy Dust


Every night, as the twinkling light on stage, that was Tinker Bell, flickered while she flitted and flopped, dying, the entire theater full of children and adults, rose to their feet clapping to bring her back to life because they believed in magic.

Obie’s Meandering


Nothing, nothing at all, ever ever ever belongs to us, except love. Things and loved ones come and go, but the love in our hearts is there forever. Gratitude for whatever it is that is the object of one’s love is the lesson, and the willingness to let it go if it must. Attachment is not love.

Cold Nights


The cold, at night, has been bone chilling and sleep inhibiting…wells of relief spill over into tears. The ‘tricks’ to living in the car on such nights? Neighborhoods do not welcome parked cars with fogged windows. …one must crack the windows just enough to de-fog, but not freeze to death.