
Thank you, Mind

Last night I felt as if I was one of the palm trees that the wind was tossing about. Then I became the salty air.  Then I turned into the sand that was lying beneath my toes, losing its heat from the daylight sun, as night settled in. Then my brain said “What a privilege it is to be here!” 

Once upon a time ago, we had no computers, no cell phones, no devices devices devices and we used to read and  sit around the table every night for dinner and dig up the dandelions in the front yard for twenty five cents an hour. And during those times, the elders would say, “I remember when I walked five miles to get to school, rain or shine! No one had a car! And if we wanted too read, we went to the library, because we didn’t own our books! And to take a train into the city was a BIG treat”.  Tucked into the folds of each sharing is the notion that ‘It was better then, our lives had soul.’

Oh pooh! Our lives had no more soul then than they do now! It is true that technologically we have a mega dose of highly distracting options, but our minds have always created their own distractions, forever and ever. It is up to each of us to develop an ongoing relationship with our minds, an awareness and respect that incorporates  ‘Shhhhhhhhhhhh, I love you, mind, but I’m busy being here right now, please be still …..thank you.’ into our daily lives.

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