The Blue House

Seventeen years ago today, oh my, a day of dreams and commitment and adventure and love…little did we know what lay ahead, but one never does. What beauty do we live if we do not venture forth into the absolutely total unknown?

Two weeks earlier, newly married and newly a mother to the most gorgeous golden retriever on earth, (Oberon) I sat up in bed and said ‘It’s time to go”. Husband said “Oh? Where are we going?” “LA”, says I. “It’s time.” “Right on”, says husband.

I investigated online for a house to rent and found one, neighborhood unknown, but it sounded perfect. I have a history of finding beautiful spots to live in and didn’t need to question, though husband did, he usually did, and after googling decided that I had done well. In the Native American tradition, the woman sits in the front of the canoe, pointing the way, while the husband paddles. We were off!

We drove for two days, from Boulder, across the Rockies, in the snow, with a U-Haul trailer and our beloved Oberon riding shotgun. The normal tension with unfamiliarity, “Do we exit here?” “No, no, wrong turn!””I don’t think so”, “This is NOT right!” and then silence and then  Santa Monica. We turned down a little street five blocks from the ocean and “OH MY GOSH!!!!!” The most charming blue craftsman cottage that one could imagine,  with white trim and and a trellis covered front porch facing the ocean with bougainvillea draping hither and yon. “Good job”, says husband. “Yes”, says I.

And then the heavens opened up and it began to pour.

We stood on the edge of a brand new adventure. This day is forever a treasure to memory. Thank you, God, thank you, Norman, thank you, Obie.

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