
Here Comes the Sun

The sun is rising softly out of my ocean on this New Year’s Eve dawn and even though the sound of muffled life in trees can be heard, my birds have not made an official appearance yet. When they do, I expect them to sing Happy Birthday to me. I know that they will.

Endings and beginnings, reflection and faith.

The message of the year hidden in connection to nature, connection to stillness, connection to each other in new ways, connection to lives out there beyond our knowing, connection to self, connection to goodness, connection to God. 

Years ago, when I was working with women with breast cancer in New York, one of my women received the news that flight 800 had gone down over Long Island.  Her husband was on the plane.  Upon her recommendation, I was limousined out to the airport to counsel family members. It was called ‘counseling’ but what I actually did was listen and simply be with these humans in crisis. 

Apparently after this, the universe spread out a giant map of my life on this earth, sprinkled with such events, where I would be called forth. I ‘counseled’ for 9/11,  the Las Vegas shooting, the California fires, high school shootings, and this year depression and grief resulting from the pandemic.

Hours and hours later, the message is clear and simple. Every single one of us is being called to the frontlines of our own selves in the here and now, to listen and quietly, even silently, simply be with each other. Feelings born inside in peace, extending outwards, connecting, touching, healing.

A new year! A bright clean palette of possibilities is waving in the breeze on the other side of tonight. An almost full moon is saying ‘YES!’ May we all open our chests to being the best versions of ourselves and look around for signs of where to go and be. Simply be.

Here we come!

 The sun setting on this year as the New Year approacheth! Beauty and light to you all! 

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